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Girouard Village

This village was settled by Jacques Girouard who was born at Port
Royal in 1648. It was located on the south side of the Rivière Dauphin
(Annapolis) across from the community of Belle-Isle. It was at the site
of what is now called Tupperville.

In the year 1669, Jacques married Marguerite Gautrot. By 1698, they
owned 20 cattle, 30 sheep, 12 hogs, 48 arpents of land, 18 fruit trees and
1 gun. There were 12 children in their household. Six of his sons settled
on the south side of the river as the small settlement grew.

Unfortunately, during the Acadian Expulsion in 1755 the Girouard
family were forced off their land, sent to Annapolis Royal where they
were put on ships and scattered across New England and the West

A comprehensive 5 volume genealogy of the Girouard (Gerrior-Girroir-
Giroir) family and their descendants up to modern times is available at
the museum.




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